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    Iran 結果共6筆

  • MOFA: 220 Taiwanese in Iran and Israel safe amid tensions

    Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu says 20 naturalized Taiwanese in Iran and 200 family members and students in Israel are safe amid Iran’s attack on Israel. Taiwan condemns the attack and urges restraint to prevent escalation.
    2024/04/15 14:54
  • 21 Taiwanese students safe in Israel amid Iranian attack

    The Ministry of Education confirmed all 21 Taiwanese students in Israel are safe amid the recent Iranian attack on the country. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) denounced Iran’s actions, claiming that they seriously jeopardize peace and stability in the region and around the world. MOFA asked everyone to remain calm, resolve their issues through dialogue, and stop the situation from worsening.
    2024/04/15 12:32
  • Shipping companies reroute amid escalating Red Sea crisis

    The escalating Red Sea crisis prompts shipping companies to reroute, with ten shipping routes from Taipei and Kaohsiung passing through the Red Sea. The Houthi movement, favoring Iran, targets ships in the Red Sea, leading international and local shippers to prioritize safety by announcing delays or re-routing around the Cape of Good Hope. Shipping companies opt to navigate around the Cape or temporarily suspend services, expecting disruptions in ship schedules. The situation mainly affects regional operations and does not yet have global consequences, resulting in no congested ports like during the pandemic. National shipping lines have temporarily ceased accepting cargo for ports in Israel, with further assessments on route adjustments to be made.
    2023/12/20 21:04
  • 人權組織:至少百名抗議人士 恐被伊朗判死刑

    設於挪威奧斯陸的非政府組織「伊朗人權」(Iran Human Rights)今天表示,伊朗爆發頭巾革命100多天來,境內各地被捕的抗議人士中,至少100人恐被判處死刑。
    2022/12/29 10:14
  • 年處死280人 伊朗義務役大兵充當劊子手

    哪個國家是全世界死刑執行率最高的國家?答案是伊朗。根據非營利組織「伊朗人權」(Iran Human Rights)的報告,至少有280人在2019年遭到處決,而許多死刑是由義務役阿兵哥負責執行,這些19歲到24歲的年輕人,因為國家制度而被迫成為劊子手。去年奪下柏林影展最佳影片金熊獎的伊朗電影,就以四個圍繞在死刑的故事,直指極權體制輾壓人性。但是導演卻因為長年觸犯政府禁止,被判處一年徒刑外加兩年限制出境,而無法到柏林領獎。
    2021/01/22 20:00
  • 美國成立伊朗行動小組 加強制裁德黑蘭

    美國國務卿龐佩奧(Mike Pompeo)今天宣布成立高層級的「伊朗行動小組」(Iran Action Group),推動對德黑蘭政府的「最大施壓」,並制裁與伊朗貿易往來的其他國家。
    2018/08/17 15:03
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