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    私立高中職黑夜奇俠性事孫鵬偷拍NVIDIA六合停車場潮境公園 雞塊鴻海
  • 搜尋:

    Corruption 結果共34筆

  • TPP suspends Hsinchu mayor’s party rights

    Taiwan People’s Party temporarily suspends Hsinchu Mayor Kao Hung-an over embezzlement allegations. Mayor Kao faces indictment under the "Anti-Corruption Act" while maintaining her innocence. Get the latest updates on this political development.
    2023/09/21 16:35
  • Ko Wen-je unveils robust TPP anti-corruption plan

    Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je unveils a robust anti-corruption plan on Wednesday (Sept. 13) in the wake of corruption scandals involving TPP politicians.
    2023/09/13 20:21
  • Ko Wen-je voices support for indicted Hsinchu Mayor

    Hsinchu Mayor Kao Hung-an and four others were indicted on corruption charges, drawing criticism from TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je. The case highlights transparency issues in the investigation process. Stay updated on this developing story.
    2023/08/14 19:01
  • Hsinchu Mayor faces indictment over corruption allegations

    Hsinchu City Mayor Kao Hung-an and four others indicted on corruption charges. Prosecution seeks appropriate sentencing for exploiting positions and misusing funds.
    2023/08/14 17:44
  • (Failed) presidential hopeful reveals new U.S. Peace Tour

    Foxconn founder Terry Gou announced on Thursday (July 27) new plans for a month-long peace tour across the U.S. to pray for Taiwanese peace, economic development, and a corruption-free government. Speaking about this trip in Tucheng, he expressed hope to propel Taiwan into a prosperous economic future and gain support for his 2024 presidential bid.
    2023/07/27 21:07
  • Hou Yu-ih challenges DPP’s anti-corruption efforts in Taiwan

    New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih challenged the ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) anti-corruption efforts in Taiwan on Thursday (May 25) as the DPP accused Hou of having connections with the im.B fraud case.
    2023/05/25 17:14
  • 關10年!伊朗網紅情侶街上跳舞 竟被控「公開賣淫」

    伊朗一對網紅情侶去年11月上傳一段在首都德黑蘭(Tehran)跳舞的影片到IG,使用濾鏡和特效後製,向粉絲們放閃,然而這段看似只是分享生活的短影音,卻被伊朗政府指控犯下「鼓勵腐敗、公開賣淫」(encouraging corruption and public prostitution)罪行,同時認定他們拍影片的目的是「破壞國家安全」(disrupting national security),兩人慘遭判10.5年有期徒刑。
    2023/02/01 10:02
  • 財產收入不成比例!印度政府官員涉貪 排水管藏百萬鈔票

    印度當地多名政府官員遭指控,名下坐擁的龐大資產與他們已知的收入來源「不成比例」,被懷疑有貪污之嫌,引發相關單位關注。日前,卡拉布拉吉地區(Kalaburagi district)反貪腐部門(Anti-Corruption Bureau)無預警地突襲一名政府工程師的住家,共查獲超過200萬新台幣的現金,就連藏在「排水管」內的鈔票也全被執法人員翻出來。
    2021/11/25 16:16
  • 全球清廉度台灣排29名 近6年最高分

    「國際透明組織」(Transparency International)公布2017年「貪腐印象指數」(Corruption Perceptions Index),台灣排名第29名,比2016年進步2名,近6年最高分。
    2018/02/22 10:44
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