
NCC denies chairman pressured TV stations

Reporter TVBS News staff
Release time:2024/09/27 14:19
Last update time:2024/09/27 15:05
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NCC denies chairman pressured TV stations (TVBS News) NCC denies chairman pressured TV stations
NCC denies chairman pressured TV stations (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The National Communications Commission (NCC, 國家通訊傳播委員會) on Thursday (Sept. 26) denied allegations that its acting chairman pressured TV stations.

The controversy arose after Huang Kuo-chang (黃國昌), head of the Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) caucus, accused Wong Po-tsung (翁柏宗), the NCC's acting chairman, of suppressing news reports.


Huang questioned Wong's actions, alleging that Wong gifted expensive seafood. Later, a journalist invited Huang to an interview to learn more about the details; however, the journalist canceled the interview, citing pressure to pull the story. Huang raised these concerns during a legislative session on Sept. 20.

NCC clarified that Huang did not allow Wong an opportunity to respond during the legislative session. Wong had provided information to the media to ensure balanced reporting.

The commission also stated it had previously issued a press release addressing the matter. In early 2022, Wong used special funds to purchase holiday gifts for NCC staff, with the receipts verified by the secretariat and accounting office.

The NCC emphasized that all related documents have been preserved and submitted to the government's ethics unit for investigation. The commission aims to clear up any misunderstandings and maintain transparency.

Taiwan Affairs

#NCC# Taiwan news# TVBS News# Huang Kuo-chang# Wong Po-tsung# Taiwan People’s Party# media controversy# NCC acting chairman allegations# Taiwan legislative session news# NCC transparency investigation


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