
Taiwan delegation showcases religious harmony to pope

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/26 11:03
Last update time:2024/09/26 18:12
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Taiwan delegation showcases religious harmony to pope (AP) Taiwan delegation showcases religious harmony to pope
Taiwan delegation showcases religious harmony to pope (AP)

VATICAN (TVBS News) — Pope Francis met with a delegation of 10 Taiwanese religious representatives in Vatican City on Wednesday (Sept. 25), playfully asking if the group members often argue.

The Taiwan Conference on Religion and Peace (中華民國宗教與和平協進會) organized the visit to showcase Taiwan's unique religious harmony, featuring members from various faiths, including Buddhism, Taoism (道教), Scientology, and I-Kuan Tao (一貫道).


In the morning, the delegation received a public audience with Pope Francis at Piazza San Pietro, followed by a welcome banquet at the Embassy to the Holy See.

Rev. Raphael Ling (林之鼎), chaplain of Fu Jen Catholic University (天主教輔仁大學), recounted the meeting, stating that the pope asked if they ever had disputes. Ling responded by saying they do, but they are always healthy debates.

Beigang Chao-Tian Temple (北港朝天宮) presented a golden Mazu (媽祖) statue to Pope Francis, who reciprocated by gifting each member a rosary blessed by him.

Ambassador Lee Matthew S.M. (李世明) emphasized in his speech that religious freedom and harmony are crucial indicators of national progress, and Taiwan serves as a global model in this regard.

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#Pope Francis# Vatican City# Taiwanese delegation# religious harmony# Taiwan Conference on Religion and Peace# Beigang Chao-Tian Temple# religious freedom# Pope Francis meets Taiwanese representatives# Taiwan religious harmony# golden Mazu statue


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