
Taiwan Foundation for Democracy names new president

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/25 14:05
Last update time:2024/09/25 23:15
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Taiwan Foundation for Democracy names new president (TVBS News) Taiwan Foundation for Democracy names new president
Taiwan Foundation for Democracy names new president (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD, 台灣民主基金會) announced on Wednesday (Sept. 25) that retired National Sun Yat-sen University political science professor Liao Dachi (廖達琪) will serve as its new president.

The foundation's board meeting, chaired by Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), also named National Chengchi University diplomacy professor Lu Yeh-chung (盧業中) as vice president.


Foreign Minister Lin Chia-lung (林佳龍), who serves as the foundation's vice chairman, stated that the three vice presidents are Lu, Ambassador James Lee (李光章), and Chen Mu-min (陳牧民), professor of international affairs at Chung Hsing University (中興大學).

Initially, Han nominated Lu for the president position. However, after over an hour of discussion, the board decided to appoint Liao. Liao mentioned that Lin and Han had consulted before the meeting, and the board reached a consensus in just five minutes, approving the decision without any objections.

Liao highlighted Han’s remarks during the meeting, emphasizing three key points for Taiwan's international engagement: safeguarding the sovereignty of the Republic of China (Taiwan), upholding the free and democratic system, and stressing the importance of Taiwan-U.S. relations.

Liao further assured that the foundation would continue to enhance Taiwan’s reputation as a beacon of freedom and democracy.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan Foundation for Democracy# TFD# Liao Dachi# Han Kuo-yu# Lu Yeh-chung# Lin Chia-lung# James Lee# Taiwan democracy# Taiwan-U.S. relations# Taiwan international engagement


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