
KMT speaker lauds National Day logo for its patriotic spirit

Reporter TVBS News staff
Release time:2024/09/04 11:20
Last update time:2024/09/05 10:51
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KMT speaker lauds National Day logo for its patriotic spirit (TVBS News) KMT speaker lauds National Day logo for its patriotic spirit
KMT speaker lauds National Day logo for its patriotic spirit (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Legislative Speaker Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜) of the opposition Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) explained on Tuesday (Sept. 3) that this year's National Day logo design symbolizes deep national pride and love, capturing the spirit of Taiwan’s identity.

Earlier that day, the National Day Preparatory Committee (國慶籌備委員會) revealed the logo, which features a blue and red color scheme inspired by the national flag, accented with flag and plum blossom motifs.


The Chinese text reads, "Happy Birthday, Republic of China" (中華民國生日快樂). Unlike the past two years, the design does not include the English term "Taiwan National Day." Still, it integrates Taiwan elements in English with the phrase "A Beautiful Taiwan Today, A Better Taiwan Tomorrow."

Han posted on Facebook, emphasizing that the flag's red, blue, and white colors represent the national spirit's soul and heritage. He described the design as a beautiful artwork and a heartfelt expression of deep affection and best wishes for the Republic of China.

The committee's secretary general, Wu Tang-an (吳堂安), explained that the selection process for the National Day logo has always been overseen by the committee's chairperson and the legislative speaker. This year, Han Kuo-yu followed the established procedure to make the final selection.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan National Day# Kuomintang# Han Kuo-yu# Republic of China# National Day logo# Taiwan politics# National Day celebration# National Day logo design# Taiwan National Day 2023# Republic of China National Day logo reveal


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