
China blames Taiwan’s president for soaring tensions

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/25 13:46
Last update time:2024/09/25 13:58
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China blames Taiwan’s president for soaring tensions (TVBS News) China blames Taiwan’s president for soaring tensions
China blames Taiwan's president for soaring tensions (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — China's Taiwan Affairs Office (國台辦) Spokesperson Zhu Fenglian (朱鳳蓮) criticized President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) and his administration on Wednesday (Sept. 25) for inciting cross-strait tensions, claiming they just want to stir up trouble and chaos.

Recently, China's Ministry of State Security published an article exposing the hacker group "Anonymous64" (匿名者64) as a cyber army created by "Taiwan independence forces." The article revealed that this group is part of Taiwan's Information, Communications and Electronic Force Command (資通電軍) and disclosed the identities of three hackers.


Zhu accused the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) of fostering cyber armies to create a "green terror." She stated that Lai's administration professes a desire for peaceful cross-strait development while secretly orchestrating cyberattacks against China.

Zhu emphasized that China's national security agencies remain committed to countering these actions to maintain national security and stability in the Taiwan Strait. She described these efforts as a just measure to punish separatist activities.

She also criticized the DPP for significantly increasing next year's "media policy and business promotion budget" by 65%, reaching over NT$1.49 billion, claiming it exposed their ambition to control public opinion.

Zhu accused the DPP of fabricating and spreading disinformation for political gain through their cyber armies, which she claimed disrupt society and suppress dissent. She warned that the DPP's actions have led to rampant cyberbullying and rumors, severely damaging Taiwan's social order and harming its citizens' interests.

Zhu concluded by stating that the DPP's wrongdoing would inevitably face public backlash.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan# China# cross-strait tensions# cyber army# Anonymous64# Democratic Progressive Party# Lai Ching-te# Taiwan independence forces# cyberattacks against China# Taiwan Strait stability


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