
Defense minister backs shift to close-quarters combat

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/20 16:17
Last update time:2024/09/20 16:36
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Defense minister backs shift to close-quarters combat (TVBS News) Defense minister backs shift to close-quarters combat
Defense minister backs shift to close-quarters combat (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Minister of National Defense Wellington Koo (顧立雄) defended on Friday (Sept. 20) his emphasis on close-quarters combat over traditional bayonet drills, citing the United States' combat experience to underline the importance of adapting to modern warfare.

After taking office, Koo decided to cancel bayonet training, planning to implement close-quarters combat training across the military next year. Koo believes that battlefield conditions can change rapidly, making it essential to train soldiers in effective combat techniques within confined spaces.


The military will replace bayonet drills with close-quarters combat, marking a significant shift in training focus. The new training featuring kickboxing will be a core component from basic training onwards, despite generating public backlash. Some retired officers criticized the move, claiming it would be ridiculous to fight with bare hands when soldiers could attack with their bayonets.

Koo reiterated that close-quarters combat remains a critical part of basic training, essential for unforeseen battlefield scenarios. He emphasized that other countries, including the United States and NATO, also stress the importance of close-quarters combat.

As Taiwan's military prepares for this transition, the debate over the effectiveness and necessity of the new training continues. Observers will watch closely to see how these changes impact the readiness and resilience of Taiwan's armed forces.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan military# close-quarters combat# bayonet training# Wellington Koo# modern warfare# combat training# kickboxing military# Taiwan defense strategy# military training changes# effectiveness of close-quarters combat


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