
Gold Apollo executive questioned over explosion

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/20 09:17
Last update time:2024/09/20 14:30
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Gold Apollo executive questioned over explosion (TVBS News) Gold Apollo executive questioned over explosion
Gold Apollo executive questioned over explosion (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Authorities questioned Gold Apollo (金阿波羅公司) head Hsu Ching-kuang (許清光) on Thursday (Sept. 19) regarding a recent explosion linked to the company's products.

Hezbollah (黎巴嫩真主黨) members' pagers exploded on Tuesday, causing multiple casualties and raising concerns about the device's origin.


Gold Apollo issued a statement on Wednesday, clarifying that Hungary-based BAC Consulting KFT manufactures and sells the product, with Gold Apollo only authorizing the trademark.

On Thursday, the Shilin District Prosecutors Office (士林地檢署) searched four locations, including Gold Apollo and BAC's Taiwan office, and interviewed Hsu and a woman surnamed Wu who helped BAC rent a shared office in Taiwan.

Following overnight questioning, prosecutors released Hsu and Wu early Friday (Sept. 20).

Authorities continue to investigate the details of the incident and the product's distribution chain. The focus remains on ensuring accountability and preventing further incidents.

Taiwan Affairs

#Gold Apollo# Hezbollah# explosion# Taiwan# BAC Consulting# trademark# investigation# Gold Apollo explosion incident# Hezbollah pager explosion# Taiwan office shared rental


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