
Keelung declares Oct. 13 holiday for mayor recall vote

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/10 15:38
Last update time:2024/09/10 17:11
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Keelung declares Oct. 13 holiday for mayor recall vote (TVBS News) Keelung declares Oct. 13 holiday for mayor recall vote
Keelung declares Oct. 13 holiday for mayor recall vote (TVBS News)

KEELUNG (TVBS News) — The Central Election Commission (中選會) announced on Tuesday (Sept. 10) that Oct. 13 will be designated as a holiday for employees of government agencies, schools, businesses, and organizations within the Keelung election district, allowing them to participate in the recall vote of Mayor George Hsieh (謝國樑).

Civic groups initiated the recall effort, citing dissatisfaction with Hsieh’s policies and their perception of his failure to implement them effectively.


Election officials confirmed that eligible voters in the district will be subject to the same holiday regulations as employees in the region, ensuring they can cast their ballots without work-related issues.

For workers under the "Labor Standards Act," the commission advised that holiday and wage concerns should be addressed following Ministry of Labor guidelines. This ensures all eligible voters have the opportunity to vote without employment barriers.

The recall election underscores increasing political polarization and is likely to significantly impact Keelung's political landscape. As the election date nears, Hsieh supporters and opponents are expected to intensify their campaigns.

Taiwan Affairs

#Keelung recall# George Hsieh# election holiday# voting rights# Labor Standards Act# civic groups# political landscape# recall vote# public dissatisfaction# Keelung political impact


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