
TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je refuses to appeal detention ruling

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/09 14:45
Last update time:2024/09/09 16:00
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TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je refuses to appeal detention ruling (TVBS News) TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je refuses to appeal detention ruling
TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je refuses to appeal detention ruling (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je's (柯文哲) defense attorneys stated on Monday (Sept. 9) that despite the fact the court's ruling contained multiple errors, Ko refused to appeal.

Ko's attorneys issued a joint statement earlier that day pointing out to alleged errors in the court's ruling and arguing that the proper legal procedure should involve appealing to the high court for a retrial.


According to reports, Ko instructed his lawyers before the hearing not to appeal, expressing his desire not to burden the court. He asked prosecutors to exhaust all investigative duties during the two-month detention period and pledged full cooperation.

On Monday at 10 a.m., attorney Lu Cheng-yi (陸正義) visited Ko at the Ministry of Justice's Taipei Detention Center (台北看守所). After a nearly two-hour meeting, he told the media that further legal consultations would be arranged.

The defense attorneys for co-defendants, former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng (彭振聲) and Core Pacific Group Chairman Sheen Ching-jing (沈慶京), also scheduled legal consultations on Monday.

Ko was detained as part of the corruption probe regarding the Core Pacific City case.

The Taipei District Prosecutors Office (台北地檢署) began investigating the Core Pacific City case on Aug. 30, suspecting Ko of corruption and bribery. Prosecutors argued that the severity of the charges and the risk of evidence tampering justified his detention.

After initial questioning, the Taipei District Court (台北地方法院) released Ko without bail, prompting an appeal from the prosecutors. The Taiwan High Court (台灣高等法院) ordered a retrial, and on Sept. 5, the district court decided to detain Ko, citing significant suspicion of profiteering.


Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei Mayor# corruption probe# Core Pacific City# Taipei District Court# Taiwan High Court# legal procedure# defense attorneys# Ko Wen-je corruption case# Taipei Detention Center visit# appealing court decisions


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