
Core Pacific Group chair appeals detention in bribery case

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/05 17:18
Last update time:2024/09/05 17:54
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Core Pacific chair appeals detention (TVBS News) Core Pacific Group chair appeals detention in bribery case
Core Pacific chair appeals detention (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The lawyer of Core Pacific Group (威京集團) Chairman Sheen Ching-jing (沈慶京) submitted an appeal to the Taipei District Court (北院) on Thursday (Sept. 5) at around 3 p.m., arguing that Sheen's age and health make it unlikely he will flee or tamper with evidence.

As authorities are investigating the Core Pacific City (京華城) corruption scandal, Sheen has been detained since Aug. 30 amid allegations of bribery.


Authorities also implicated former Taipei Deputy Mayor Pong Cheng-sheng (彭振聲), Taipei City Councilor Angela Ying (應曉薇), and Ying's assistant Wu Shun-min (吳順民). All have been detained and barred from meeting visitors.

After filing the appeal, Sheen's lawyer, Hu Yuan-lung (胡原龍), declined to comment to the media and quickly left the court.

The Taipei District Court announced that it would forward Sheen's and Wu's appeals to the Taiwan High Court (台灣高等法院) for review. Ying has yet to file an appeal.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taipei corruption scandal# Core Pacific City# Sheen Ching-jing# Taiwan High Court# bribery allegations# detention hearing# Taipei District Court# Core Pacific Group chairman appeal# former Taipei Deputy Mayor detained# Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je detention


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