
Taiwan People’s Party thanks supporters after massive rally

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/09 11:15
Last update time:2024/09/09 14:01
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Taiwan People’s Party thanks supporters after massive rally (TVBS News) Taiwan People’s Party thanks supporters after massive rally
Taiwan People’s Party thanks supporters after massive rally (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) expressed gratitude to the thousands of supporters who gathered on Jinan Road (濟南路) on Sunday (Sept. 8) for the "Little Grass protest" (小草晚會).

The TPP acknowledged the tens of thousands who showed support online adding that everyone's support takes shape reminiscent of Taiwan.


Authorities detained TPP Chairman Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) last Thursday (Sept. 5) in connection with the Core Pacific City (京華城) corruption investigation. Despite this, the party rallied approximately 10,000 supporters on Sunday to advocate for judicial and democratic justice.

The TPP urged its supporters to stand tall against oppression and to take pride in speaking out for their beliefs, even in adverse conditions. They highlighted that 30 years ago, people protested against the Kuomintang (KMT, 國民黨) regime, and now they are opposing the Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP, 民進黨) new party-state system.

The TPP stated that the ruling party had used the judiciary to detain Ko Wen-Je and the media to tarnish his reputation. However, they emphasized that his free will and the people's desire for justice remain unrestrained.

In a message of solidarity, the party thanked everyone who supports and defends Taiwan's judicial and social justice. They vowed to stand shoulder to shoulder and hand in hand, never giving up on making Taiwan a better place.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# TPP Taiwan# Ko Wen-je# judicial justice# Taiwan protest# democratic justice# Taiwan news# Taiwan People’s Party rally# Core Pacific City corruption# Taiwan judicial and social justice


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