
Ko Wen-je’s wife defends him against obstruction claims

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/09 09:31
Last update time:2024/09/09 10:43
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Ko Wen-je’s wife defends him against obstruction claims (TVBS News) Ko Wen-je’s wife defends him against obstruction claims
Ko Wen-je’s wife defends him against obstruction claims (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The wife of Taiwan People's Party (TPP, 民眾黨) Chairman Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), Chen Pei-chi (陳佩琪), spoke up for her husband on Sunday (Sept. 8) regarding prosecutors' recent allegations of him obstructing justice which led to his detainment.

Speaking at the "Little Grass" protest in support of Ko, Chen revealed that prosecutors detained her husband after believing he obstructed justice by refusing to open the door for nearly an hour during the search and suspected he deleted conversations.


Chen explained that her husband was in the bathroom when investigators arrived and missed their calls due to his phone being on silent mode. Authorities detained Ko last Thursday to further investigate his alleged involvement in the Core Pacific City (京華城) corruption case.

She expressed her distress over not knowing of Ko's well-being for the first time in their 33 years of marriage. Chen recounted Ko's pride in reducing Taipei's debt by NT$700 million and organizing the Universiade with a budget of NT$5 billion less than expected.

She lamented that despite his accomplishments, Ko faces corruption allegations during election season. Chen also mentioned that former Taipei Urban Planning Commission head Lin Jou-min (林洲民) approved the Core Pacific City project, which prosecutors now link to Ko's alleged bribery.

Chen, tearfully thanking supporters and party members for their help, vowed to fight to the end against the allegations. She urged the public to support her in preventing Taiwan from reverting to past political practices.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# Ko Wen-je# corruption allegations# Taipei# Core Pacific City# political protest# Chen Pei-chi# Taiwan People’s Party support# Ko Wen-je detainment reasons# fighting political allegations in Taiwan


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