
New transport minister vows to boost train station safety

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/09/03 10:39
Last update time:2024/09/03 13:52
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New transport minister vows to boost train station safety (TVBS News) New transport minister vows to boost train station safety
New transport minister vows to boost train station safety (TVBS News)

TAICHUNG (TVBS News) — Minister of Transportation and Communications Chen Shih-kai (陳世凱) inspected Taichung Train Station (台中火車站) on his first day in office on Monday (Sept. 2), following a track fall incident that occurred the previous day. Upon inspection, Chen announced plans to install platform gates to prevent similar accidents in the future.

The transportation minister traveled south on Taiwan Railways Corporation's Tze-Chiang Limited Express (自強號), which was five minutes late, but praised the ride as "very stable and comfortable."


A day earlier, a 23-year-old man named surnamed Yang fell face down on the tracks, likely due to dizziness and discomfort. Fortunately, the train stopped in time, and Yang climbed back onto the platform without injury.

Chen commended the deputy station chief for handling the incident well and revealed that he convened a departmental meeting just 30 minutes after taking office to discuss installing platform gates at busy stations during peak hours. He stated that Kaohsiung Station (高雄站) would be the first to receive barriers to prevent passengers from being pushed onto the tracks.

Chen's swift actions and clear plans aim to enhance passenger safety and prevent future incidents. The public can expect updates on the implementation of these safety measures as the ministry continues to prioritize commuter well-being.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taichung Train Station# Taiwan Railways# Tze-Chiang Limited Express# platform gates# transportation safety# Kaohsiung Station# passenger safety# installing platform gates in Taiwan# Taichung Train Station safety measures# preventing track fall incidents


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