
US official leads delegation to Taiwan for education talks

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/29 13:05
Last update time:2024/08/29 13:05
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US official leads delegation to Taiwan for education talks (Courtesy of MOE) US official leads delegation to Taiwan for education talks
US official leads delegation to Taiwan for education talks (Courtesy of MOE)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of Education (教育部, MOE) announced on Thursday (Aug. 29) that Idaho's Lieutenant Governor Scott Bedke has recently led a delegation to Taiwan to foster academic exchanges between the two countries. The visit included representatives from Idaho, Wyoming, and Alaska, who met with the MOE.

Deputy Minister of Education Yeh Ping-cheng (葉丙成) hosted the delegation, discussing bilateral education policies and potential future collaborations. Since signing the "U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative" (台美教育倡議) in Dec. 2020, Taiwan has signed 26 educational cooperation memoranda with 24 U.S. states, actively promoting educational exchanges.


Yeh wanted to sign a memorandum with Alaska to enhance exchanges between primary and secondary school teachers and students. He also highlighted the importance of increasing internship opportunities for Taiwanese university students in Alaskan schools and mutual recognition of teaching credentials.

The MOE reported that Bedke and his delegation praised Taiwan's educational development efforts and achievements. They committed to actively promoting bilateral cooperation upon their return to the U.S.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan education#academic exchanges#U.S.-Taiwan Education Initiative#educational cooperation#internship opportunities#teaching credentials#bilateral cooperation#Taiwanese university students#educational development in Taiwan#U.S. states educational collab


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