
MND responds to concerns over China’s military threats

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/26 16:31
Last update time:2024/08/26 16:57
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MND responds to concerns over China’s military threats (TVBS News) MND responds to concerns over China’s military threats
MND responds to concerns over China’s military threats (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense (MND, 國防部) reiterated on Monday (Aug. 26) that the seven scenarios under which China might use force against Taiwan do not include taking adverse military action to alleviate its domestic discontent caused by economic downturns.

The ministry responded to a written inquiry from Democratic Progressive Party (DPP, 民進黨) legislator Wu Ping-jui (吳秉叡), who recently questioned the Executive Yuan about the possibility of China launching a military attack on Taiwan to reduce internal pressure from economic recession.


In a written reply, the defense ministry reaffirmed the seven scenarios: "Taiwan declaring independence;" "Taiwan moving clearly toward independence;" "internal unrest in Taiwan;" "Taiwan acquiring nuclear weapons;" "delays in cross-strait peaceful unification dialogue;" "foreign interference in Taiwan's internal affairs;" and "foreign military forces stationing in Taiwan."

The MND cited Article 2 of the National Defense Law (國防法) of the People's Republic of China, which states that "military action can be taken to safeguard sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, and security," and Article 8 of China's Anti-Secession Law (反分裂國家法), which notes that "non-peaceful means are not excluded in resolving the Taiwan issue."

Taiwan's MND emphasized that although China claims it will resolve the Taiwan issue peacefully, it continues to engage in gray zone harassment and targeted military actions to deter Taiwan, showcasing its capability to unify Taiwan by force if necessary.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan independence# cross-strait relations# China military action# Taiwan defense# economic recession China# gray zone harassment# foreign interference Taiwan# China’s Anti-Secession Law# Taiwan acquiring nuclear weapons# China use force against Taiwan s


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