
Thousands celebrate Indonesian culture in New Taipei

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/26 10:31
Last update time:2024/08/26 15:10
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Indonesian culture shines at carnival (Courtesy of New Taipei Labor Affairs Department’s website) Thousands celebrate Indonesian culture in New Taipei
Indonesian culture shines at carnival (Courtesy of New Taipei Labor Affairs Department

NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Approximately 12,000 Indonesian migrant workers gathered at New Taipei City People's Square (新北市民廣場) on Sunday (Aug. 25) to celebrate
"Festival Budaya Pekerja Migran Indonesia 2024" (印尼移工文化嘉年華).

The Labor Affairs Department of the New Taipei City Government (新北市勞工局) and the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei (駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處) jointly organized the event.

The event featured performances by renowned Indonesian singer Denny Caknan and the migrant worker rock band SID'er ROSE, creating an electrifying atmosphere.

Chen Jui-chia (陳瑞嘉), head of the New Taipei Labor Affairs Department, highlighted the significant contributions of Indonesian migrant workers to Taiwan's society and economy.

Chen pointed out that New Taipei City hosts over 41,000 Indonesian migrant workers and more than 4,000 new Indonesian residents, making Indonesians the largest migrant group in the city. Chen hoped the event would provide a joyful experience for Indonesian migrant workers and new residents.

The carnival included vibrant performances by Indonesian dance troupes, fashion shows, and migrant worker bands. Attendees also enjoyed Indonesian cuisine, traditional batik DIY activities, and various service booths offering information on migrant worker law.

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#Indonesian festival# migrant workers# New Taipei# Indonesian cuisine# batik DIY# migrant law# Denny Caknan# Indonesian migrant workers festival in New Taipei# services for migrant workers in Taiwan# traditional Indonesian dance performances


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