
Premier Cho accepts Li Meng-yen’s resignation over scandal

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/08/19 15:55
Last update time:2024/08/19 15:56
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Premier Cho accepts Li Meng-yen’s resignation over scandal (TVBS News) Premier Cho accepts Li Meng-yen’s resignation over scandal
Premier Cho accepts Li Meng-yen's resignation over scandal (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) on Monday (Aug. 19) accepted the resignation of Transportation Minister Li Meng-yen (李孟諺), who stepped down earlier that day following revelations of an extramarital affair.

Executive Yuan spokesman Chen Shih-kai (陳世凱) acknowledged Li's exceptional public service but noted that Premier Cho accepted the resignation to respect Li's personal wishes and his courage in facing the situation.


Li expressed deep regret for the distress his past actions caused his wife and family, as well as the negative public perception, after online users exposed Li's affair with a woman named Zhang, posting multiple intimate photos of the pair.

Li's relationship with Zhang began during his tenure at the Water Resources Bureau of the Tainan City Government (台南水利局). However, the relationship soured after Li's promotion to Transportation Minister, ultimately leading to their breakup.

Despite the scandal, Chen highlighted Premier Cho's gratitude for Li's contributions, including advancing major national infrastructure projects, implementing welfare measures, improving road safety, and handling the reconstruction of railways and tourism industries after the April 3 Hualien earthquake.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# Transportation Minister# political scandal# extramarital affair# government resignation# national infrastructure# public service# Transportation Minister extramarital affair# Premier Cho Jung-tai resignation acceptance# reconstruction aft
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