
Second Chinese pangolin baby from Taiwan born in Prague

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/12 13:36
Last update time:2024/07/12 14:22
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Second Chinese pangolin baby from Taiwan born in Prague (Miroslav Bobek/Facebook) Second Chinese pangolin baby from Taiwan born in Prague
Second Chinese pangolin baby from Taiwan born in Prague (Miroslav Bobek/Facebook)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A pair of Chinese pangolins, Guo Bao (果寶) and Run Hou Tang (潤喉糖), loaned from Taipei Zoo (台北市立動物園) to Prague Zoo (布拉格動物園), welcomed their second baby earlier this month, Associated Press reported on Friday (July 12).

The newborn, a female, arrived on July 1, marking a significant milestone in captive breeding in Europe.


Prague Zoo reported that the baby Chinese pangolin weighed only 141 grams at birth but has been gaining approximately 10 grams daily. The zoo expects her to reach 250 grams by the end of this week. Adult pangolins can weigh up to 6.8 kilograms.

Run Hou Tang gave birth to the first European-born pangolin, Cone (小松果), in February 2023. This recent birth makes the new baby the second pangolin born in captivity in Europe.

Prague Zoo, the second European zoo to house Taiwanese pangolins after Zoo Leipzig, received Guo Bao and Run Hou Tang in April 2022.

Zoo director Miroslav Bobek expressed his surprise and delight, stating that they had hoped for a baby to be born, but did not expect to have two in a year and a half.

The Associated Press noted the challenges of breeding Chinese pangolins in captivity due to their need for a specialized diet, including drone larvae, and specific humidity and temperature conditions.

Prague Zoo continues to focus on maintaining the health and well-being of these rare creatures, aiming for more successful births in the future.


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#Chinese pangolins# Prague Zoo# Taipei Zoo# captive breeding# pangolin baby# zoo conservation# endangered species# Chinese pangolin care# pangolin breeding in Europe# second pangolin born in captivity
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