
Taiwan and India eye electronics industry collaboration

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/07/08 10:34
Last update time:2024/07/08 15:23
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Taiwan and India eye electronics industry collaboration (TVBS News) Taiwan and India eye electronics industry collaboration
Taiwan and India eye electronics industry collaboration (TVBS News)

NEW DELHI (TVBS News) — Huang Chih-fang, chairman of the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), visited Indian and Taiwanese enterprises around Delhi on Saturday (July 6) to understand India's industrial dynamics and development prospects.

Huang visited Syrma SGS Technology, Sentec Group's India plant, and Talbros Automotive Components Group's factory. He noted that India, with its demographic dividend and rapid economic growth, has surpassed the U.K. to become the world's fifth-largest economy and is poised to become the third-largest soon.


Huang emphasized the significant collaboration opportunities between Taiwan and India, particularly in the electronics industry, amidst geopolitical changes and trends toward supply chain autonomy and localization. Sentec, a Taiwanese motorcycle parts company, established its India plant in 2017, achieved profitability in its first year, and continued growing. In 2023, 70% of the 16 million motorcycles produced in India featured Sentec's pollution control systems.

Syrma SGS CEO Satendra Singh highlighted India's swift growth in manufacturing capabilities and the presence of design centers for global markets. He pointed out the vast cooperation potential due to Taiwan's mature contract manufacturing ecosystem. Talbros Chairman Girish S. stated that Prime Minister Modi's willingness to engage with any country, unaffected by specific influences, underscores the focus on electronics and semiconductors in Taiwan-India cooperation, citing Foxconn's increased investments in India as an example.

Syrma SGS primarily offers electronic manufacturing services (EMS) to clients in India, the U.S., Germany, and other countries, with applications in automotive, consumer goods, healthcare, industrial electronics, IT, and railways. Talbros manufactures and sells automotive parts, including multi-layer steel forging products, used in passenger and commercial vehicles, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, agricultural machinery, and industrial vehicles.

Taiwan Business

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