
Taiwan faces job market imbalance amid quiet quitting trend

Reporter Amy Hsin-Hsiang Chen
Release time:2024/06/13 17:53
Last update time:2024/06/13 17:53
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The new "quiet quitting" trend is gaining global traction. Originally coined by Zaiad Khan, a New York engineer, the term describes employees who exert no more effort in their jobs than necessary.

According to 104 Corporation, job opportunities in Taiwan remain high with the hospitality and catering sectors most needing workers. In May 2022, there were 1,007,000 job opportunities, rising to 1,049,000 in 2023 and reaching 1,127,000 in 2024. The retail, wholesale, IT, and semiconductor industries also show significant demand.


However, the job market is experiencing an imbalance. "After the epidemic, job opportunities have been climbing, reaching a record high in May. However, only 592,000 people seek jobs, with a demand-supply ratio of about 1 to 1.9. Most job seekers likely have two job opportunities," said Chiang Chin-hua, assistant manager of the human resources department at the employment agency.

Despite the increase in job opportunities, many individuals are contemplating backup plans for quitting. Chin Hung-Chuan, a headhunter at CakeResume, noted that while entry-level job seekers see more opportunities, white-collar workers are more cautious. 

"Employees in white-collar jobs are more likely to sit on the fence. Although job opportunities abound, the overall situation remains unclear, making it prudent for them to wait until they've selected their future employer," he said.

Retaining top talent continues to challenge entrepreneurs due to the aging population, low fertility rates, and changes in industrial structure. The new generation places a high value on work-life balance, pushing entrepreneurs to create more incentives to retain top talent.

Taiwan Business

#Taiwan job market#quiet quitting#job opportunities#workforce attitudes#catering industry jobs#semiconductor industry#white-collar jobs#job market imbalance#navigating job market challenges#retaining top talent strategies
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