
NVIDIA CEO shares vision for AI’s future in Taipei interview

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/06/03 16:17
Last update time:2024/06/03 16:17
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang was spotted around Taipei over the past week, receiving a superstar-like welcome from locals. The "AI Father" sat down with TVBS Insight People for an exclusive interview on Monday (June 3), where he shared his visionary ideas for the future of AI and his journey leading the trillion-dollar powerhouse driving global AI innovation.

When asked about NVIDIA's recent stock price surge, Huang humbly replied, "Absolutely nothing. I still wake up at the same time, work the same way, and love all the same things and people. Nobody treats me any different, and I still have a mountain of work in front of me. So nothing has changed."


Huang reminisced about NVIDIA's early days and its deep-rooted connections with Taiwan. "A long time ago, when I was young, and NVIDIA was young, I came to Taiwan to seek partners to help us build our chips. I was fortunate to have the support of TSMC, SPIL, Foxconn, Asus, MSI, Quanta, and many others," he said, emphasizing Taiwan's unparalleled technological excellence and work ethics.

Sporting his iconic leather jacket, the Taiwan-born tech mogul displayed his warm, amiable, and humorous side during the interview.

Highlighting Taiwan's crucial role in the AI revolution, Huang noted, Taiwan is the source of so much of our engineering. Over the next five years, we're gonna hire another thousand engineers here."

"We're seeking a large plot of land to build a significant HQ, so if anybody has some property they’d like to tell me about, please let me know,” he added.

This interaction took place ahead of the 2024 COMPUTEX, titled "Connecting AI," where NVIDIA is set to deepen its ties with local partners and professionals. The company aims to transform from a mere chip manufacturer to an "AI platform enterprise."

The TVBS Insight People exclusive interview with the NVIDIA leader will be broadcast at 11 p.m. on June 16 on TVBS Channel 56.


Taiwan Business

#NVIDIA# AI revolution# Taiwan technology# Jensen Huang# stock price surge# COMPUTEX 2024# tech mogul# NVIDIA in Taiwan# future of AI interview# NVIDIA headquarters expansion


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