
Taiwan to hold emergency press conference on PLA drills

Reporter Dimtiri Bruyas
Release time:2024/05/23 15:46
Last update time:2024/05/23 17:05
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Taiwan deploys forces in response to sudden PLA maneuvers (TVBS News) Taiwan to hold emergency press conference on PLA drills
Taiwan deploys forces in response to sudden PLA maneuvers (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan (國防部) has scheduled an emergency press conference for 5 p.m. Thursday (May 23) in response to the People's Liberation Army's sudden announcement of military drills around the nation.

The People's Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command (中共解放軍東部戰區) announced earlier that day that it will conduct the "Joint Sword-2024A" (聯合利劍-2024A) military exercises around Taiwan and its outlying islands over the next two days. The drills will include five designated areas around the main island of Taiwan, signaling a significant show of force in the region.


China has deployed naval, air, and ground forces in accordance with the Chinese "Regulations on the Handling of Sudden Incidents during the Regular Combat Readiness Period" to safeguard freedom, democracy, and national sovereignty.

The exercises, named "Joint Sword-2024A," mark a notable escalation in military activities around Taiwan. The Ministry of National Defense's swift response underscores the seriousness with which Taiwan views the protection of its sovereignty and democratic values.

As tensions in the region continue to rise, the international community watches closely. The outcome of the emergency press conference and any further developments will be crucial in understanding the implications of these military exercises for regional stability and peace.

Taiwan Affairs

Asia-Pacific News

#Taiwan# military exercises# People’s Liberation Army# national defense# Joint Saber-2024A# regional stability# sovereignty# Taiwan Ministry of National Defense press conference# People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command# military activities around


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