
DPP legislator uses breakfast to challenge reform bills

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 18:56
Last update time:2024/05/22 18:56
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DPP legislator uses breakfast to challenge reform bills (TVBS News) DPP legislator uses breakfast to challenge reform bills
DPP legislator uses breakfast to challenge reform bills (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Huang Jie on Wednesday (May 22) expressed her disagreement over the legislative reform bills proposed by Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People's Party (TPP) by using an ironic metaphor about breakfast choices.

Speaking at the Legislative Yuan, Huang asked Tung Chien-hung, an official of the Ministry of Interior, "What did you have for breakfast today? Failing to answer is considered contempt of the legislature."


Tung responded that personal matters need not be disclosed publicly, prompting Huang to question if this refusal was a denial of the inquiry itself. Tung clarified, "We respect the authority of the legislature, but some matters should be kept separate." Eventually, Tung admitted with a laugh that he had a sandwich for breakfast, which was still on his desk.

Huang said the KMT and TPP's legislative reform bills stipulate that you may face a year in jail if you don't know what breakfast you had today. She said that legislators could have to live in constant fear as a result.

KMT legislator Hsu Yu-chen argued that public officials should only be penalized for false statements about significant matters known to them during legislative inquiries. He criticized the focus on breakfast choices as misleading and trivial, suggesting that such a basis for contempt charges would render the legislature obsolete. "If being wrong about what one had for breakfast could lead to charges of contempt of Legislative Yuan, then such a Legislative Yuan might should as well be disbanded," Hsu stated.

This debate underscores the broader issue of how legislative inquiries should balance the need for transparency with respect for privacy. As the discussion continues, the implications for legislative reform and the relationship between officials and the legislature remain to be seen.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# legislative reform# DPP Taiwan# KMT Taiwan# TPP Taiwan# legislature Taiwan# Taiwan news# Taiwan legislative reform debate# DPP legislator Huang Jie# contempt of legislature Taiwan


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