
DPP seeks constitutional review of opposition’s reform bills

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/22 16:41
Last update time:2024/05/22 16:41
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DPP seeks constitutional review of opposition’s reform bills (Courtesy of 齊有此理YT via TVBS) DPP seeks constitutional review of opposition’s reform bills
DPP seeks constitutional review of opposition's reform bills (Courtesy of 齊有此理YT via TVBS)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) caucus whip, Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘), announced on Wednesday (May 22) that the party would seek a constitutional review regarding a series of parliament reform bills proposed by the opposition that they deem unconstitutional. This decision underscores the DPP's commitment to upholding the constitution amidst political turmoil.

Ker highlighted that the review would not only focus on the content of the bills but also consider procedural issues and other possible remedies.


He pointed out that President Lai Ching-te (賴清德) is unlikely to deliver the State of the Nation address at the Legislative Yuan until the bills' constitutionality is confirmed.

"The president's appearance is based on the constitution, not for questioning. If it's legal and constitutional, President Lai will definitely come," Ker stated, emphasizing the legal basis for the president's participation.

Ker criticized the opposition's reckless actions, noting that the key clauses demanding the president's "immediate response" during the address, along with incorporating investigative powers, hearings, and contempt of parliament offenses, aim to subject President Lai to oral questioning and instant answers, potentially leading to his arrest on false statements.

The DPP caucus whip mentioned that though the comments are based on his judgment alone, he believes President Lai's stance would be in alignment as he had said he would attend the State of the Nation address at the Legislative Yuan as long as it is constitutional and legal.

Therefore, President Lai will wait for the constitutional review's outcome before making an appearance, should the invitation from the Legislative Yuan pose any constitutional issues, Ker surmised.

This development signals a critical juncture in Taiwan's political landscape, with the DPP taking a firm stand to ensure that legislative actions align with the constitution. As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on the constitutional review's outcome and its implications for President Lai's engagement with the Legislative Yuan.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan politics# DPP Taiwan# constitutional review# parliament reform# President Lai# Legislative Yuan# opposition bills# Taiwan political turmoil# DPP caucus whip# President Lai State of the Nation
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