
Taiwan army captain caught with ammo at Kaohsiung Airport

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/05/17 10:34
Last update time:2024/05/17 10:34
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Taiwan army captain caught with ammo at Kaohsiung Airport (Shutterstock) Taiwan army captain caught with ammo at Kaohsiung Airport
Taiwan army captain caught with ammo at Kaohsiung Airport (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A captain in Taiwan's army was caught with ammunition in his luggage at Kaohsiung International Airport (高雄小港機場) on Thursday (May 17), as he was preparing to board a flight to Penghu (澎湖).

The Aviation Police Bureau (航空警察局) under the National Police Agency discovered a machine gun bullet and a shell in the luggage of Captain Chu (朱) during a routine check.


The 8th Field Army (第八軍團指揮部) has stated its commitment to fully cooperate with the police and prosecutors in investigating this incident. In addition to the ongoing investigation, the command will conduct an administrative review and ammunition inventory to ascertain the full scope of the breach.

This incident has prompted a review of personnel responsibilities and a pledge to enhance military law, discipline education, and management mechanisms to prevent future occurrences.

The 8th Field Army's promise to strengthen military discipline and management systems reflects the seriousness with which the Taiwanese military addresses such breaches. As investigations continue, the military's response will likely serve as a benchmark for handling similar incidents in the future, ensuring the integrity and discipline of its forces.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#army#National Police Agency#ammunition#Kaohsiung International Airport#8th Field Army#Aviation Police Bureau
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