
Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/04/24 11:14
Last update time:2024/04/24 11:14
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Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads (TVBS News) Teen developer’s earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads
Teen developer's earthquake alert app hits 320K downloads (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A high school senior, Lin Tzu-yu, has developed an app, Taiwan Earthquake Alert, that provides early warnings of earthquakes, including estimated arrival times and magnitudes. The app, which Lin developed over a year and a half using self-taught coding skills, has already been downloaded more than 320,000 times.

Users can customize the app to set their location for alerts and the seismic intensity level at which they wish to receive warnings. The app's popularity has surged, particularly in the wake of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Hualien three weeks ago, which has been followed by numerous aftershocks.


Lin expressed surprise at the rapid increase in downloads and hopes to continue improving the app's functionality in the future. The Hualien earthquake has heightened interest in earthquake-related information, making Lin's app a timely resource for residents of Taiwan, a country that frequently experiences seismic activity.

The Taiwan Earthquake Alert app is a testament to the potential of young, self-taught developers like Lin Tzu-yu to create practical solutions for real-world problems.

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