
MediaTek’s new AI tools promise productivity boost

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/04/09 18:24
Last update time:2024/04/09 18:24
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The fourth Industrial Revolution is reshaping the world with generative AI at its core. Leading the charge is MediaTek, a titan in tech, which announced on Tuesday, April 9, its latest AI-driven tools: MediaTek DaVinci and MediaTek Research BreeXe. These innovations, born from strategic collaborations, mark a significant leap forward for the world's fifth-largest integrated circuit designer.

Jason Yeh, assistant general manager of MediaTek’s AI and Data Engineering Division, highlighted Davinci's role as an enterprise-level generative AI platform. “It's designed to tackle the pain points of companies, enhancing productivity significantly. The system is adept at parsing and comprehending internal data, evolving continually through learning,” Yeh stated.


Within MediaTek, a Taiwan-based entity without its own manufacturing facilities, DaVinci has become integral. “Various departments such as human resources, legal, and IT are leveraging it for summarizing meetings and strategizing business plans. Its application is quite broad within our operations,” Yeh revealed.

Da-shan Shiu, managing director at MediaTek Research Lab, lauded generative AI's versatility. He underscored the company's ambition to refine DaVinci and BreeXe, aiming to revolutionize the usage of traditional Chinese language models (LLM).

Shiu emphasized the transformative potential of generative AI, saying, “It doesn't require expertise; it necessitates a reimagining of work and life, enabling profound changes in both.”

As excitement about AI swells globally, MediaTek remains committed to expanding its AI ecosystem. The company is poised to push the boundaries of innovation and functionality, fostering optimism within the tech sector about the promising horizons that lie ahead.

Taiwan Business

#MediaTek#generative AI#AI-driven tools#DaVinci#BreeXe#traditional Chinese LLM#productivity#tech industry#AI innovations#AI ecosystem
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