
Tsai welcomes EU delegation to boost Taiwan cooperation

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2024/03/26 16:06
Last update time:2024/03/26 16:06
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Tsai welcomes EU delegation to boost Taiwan cooperation (Courtesy of Presidential Office) Tsai welcomes EU delegation to boost Taiwan cooperation
Tsai welcomes EU delegation to boost Taiwan cooperation (Courtesy of Presidential Office)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen met with a delegation from the European Green Party on Monday (March 25), expressing Taiwan's commitment to strengthening cooperation with other democratic nations.

This comes in response to the threats of authoritarian expansion and disinformation, as Taiwan aims to maintain regional democracy, freedom, and stable development jointly, President Tsai stated.


European Parliament member Reinhard Bütikofer led the delegation. Other members included Heidi Hautala, Vice President of the European Parliament, and Till Steffen, deputy chairman of the German-Taiwan Parliamentary Friendship Group.

Bütikofer stated that the purpose of the visit was to enhance opportunities for substantive cooperation with Taiwan and strengthen the Taiwan-EU partnership.

Furthermore, following the European Parliament elections in June 2024, Bütikofer will no longer serve as a member of the European Parliament. Instead, he will take up a new role as co-chair of the newly established German-Taiwan Dialogue Platform in the German Foreign Ministry.

Taiwan Affairs

#President Tsai Ing-wen# European Green Party# Taiwan cooperation# authoritarian expansion# regional democracy# European Parliament# German-Taiwan Dialogue Platform# strengthening cooperation with other democratic nations# maintain regional democracy freed
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