
North to South: A limpse of Taiwan’s varied weekend weather

Release time:2024/02/17 12:01
Last update time:2024/02/17 12:01
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North to South: A limpse of Taiwan’s varied weekend weather (TVBS News) North to South: A limpse of Taiwan’s varied weekend weather
North to South: A limpse of Taiwan's varied weekend weather (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Weather conditions in Taiwan on Saturday (Feb. 17) varied across the island with northern regions reaching 24 degrees, the central area 27, south 28, and eastern territories 23 degrees Celsius. The lowest temperatures ranged between 13-15 degrees, indicating significant variations from day to night.

Cloudy weather with chances of scattered showers was predicted for northern regions, especially in the areas facing the wind. Central and southern areas experienced sunny to cloudy weather, with heavier cloud cover and brief rains in the eastern half.


During the nighttime and early morning, the western regions may experience localized low cloudiness or fog, possibly affecting visibility. More clouds and sporadic showers in the eastern half are forecasted for tomorrow, and morning and evening in the west may see low clouds or fog, requiring vigilance for visibility.

On Sunday, temperatures are expected to range from 14-28 degrees in the north, 15-30 in the center, 17-30 in the south, and 18-27 in the east, the significant day-night temperature differences persisting.

From Monday to Wednesday next week, temperatures are forecasted to increase again with the high in the north reaching 29-30 degrees, 30-31 in the central and southern sections, and remaining around 27 in the east.

Weather conditions from Monday to Wednesday are forecasted to be sunny to cloudy in the north, stable with fewer clouds in the central and south, while the east will have more clouds and occasional brief rainfall.

Next Thursday, a new front will be accompanied by a northeast monsoon, bringing chances of rain across Taiwan and a subsequent drop in temperatures.

The weather report is provided with authorization from the Weather Risk Facebook Page.

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