
Elephant Trunk Rock’s new look draws capybara fans

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2024/02/16 16:38
Last update time:2024/02/16 16:38
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's popular tourist spot, Elephant Trunk Rock, has embraced its new look after being left without its "trunk" last year. The rock has attracted even more visitors during the Lunar New Year period due to an unexpected but captivating transformation, with many claiming the new appearance resembles a giant capybara.

Initially, local businesses in the vicinity were concerned about the potential impact on visitor numbers. However, the rock's new appearance ironically led to business growth of more than 50% during the holiday season.


One tourist humorously remarked, "It's like a capybara when you look at the ears. In fact, it looks a bit like a tiger or perhaps a horse. It needs a bit of imagination to see it.”

With an influx of travelers during the holiday, business owners report full-capacity operations, with many making a special trip to pay homage to the newly transformed rock. Even the nearby parking lots have been revamped to bear the new name, "Capybara Rock."

Known for its unique geology, the iconic Elephant Trunk Rock at New Taipei City's popular tourist spot was damaged on Dec. 16, 2023, after the elongated rock formation resembling an elephant's trunk snapped off, likely due to heavy rain and winds.

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