
Taiwan Premier offers condolences aid to Gansu quake victims

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/12/19 15:33
Last update time:2023/12/19 15:33
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 Taiwan Premier offers condolences aid to Gansu quake victims
Premier Chen offers condolences for quake victims (Courtesy of the Executive Yuan)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan's Premier Chen Chien-jen expressed deep condolences and sympathies on Tuesday (Dec. 19) to the victims and bereaved families of the recent devastating earthquake in Gansu Province, mainland China.

He also expressed hope for a speedy recovery for those injured in the disaster.


During the same announcement, Chen conveyed Taiwan's readiness to provide assistance through relevant agencies if needed. The island's gesture of support comes as the Gansu region grapples with the aftermath of the seismic event, which resulted in casualties and damage.

On the same day, Executive Yuan spokesman Lin Tzu-lun also voiced concern for the human and material losses inflicted by the earthquake.

The Executive Yuan additionally expressed its expectations that the rescue operations and restoration efforts in Gansu Province would be carried out smoothly and effectively. They hope that the affected areas and people will be able to resume their normal lives at the earliest opportunity.

This show of solidarity from Taiwan underscores the shared understanding of the challenges posed by natural disasters in the region, as well as the willingness to aid neighbors in times of crisis.

Taiwan Affairs

Asia-Pacific News

#Taiwan Premier# Gansu Province earthquake# disaster relief# earthquake victims# humanitarian assistance# natural disasters# regional solidarity# express condolences to earthquake victims in Gansu Province#provide assistance to earthquake-affected areas in
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