
Taiwan nurses struggle with low pay, high stress

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/11/10 18:09
Last update time:2023/11/10 18:09
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan continues to battle a nursing manpower shortage in the post-pandemic era, a situation worsened by low salaries and demanding work conditions. Despite their essential role, nurses are undervalued and underpaid.

The gap between the salaries of nurses and the demanding nature of their work is a leading cause of staff attrition. While the average employed worker in Taiwan earns NT$47,000, nurses earn a mere NT$46,000, despite long hours and significant responsibilities.


Chu I-chen, a nurse with 12 years of experience, discussed the strenuous nature of her work. "Our morning care routine involves tasks such as dispensing medications, checking blood pressure, changing wound dressings, and managing catheters. The day shift is the busiest and involves the most tasks. Yet, it pays the least compared to the other shifts," Chu explained.

This imbalance between work effort and pay is leading to high turnover rates. Ministry of Health and Welfare statistics show that about 5,000 nurses leave the profession annually, with the healthcare system reliant on only 186,000 nursing staff.

The nurse-to-patient ratio at medical centers stands at one to nine, and it can climb to one to 15 in some hospitals, far above the international standard of one to six. The risk of death increases by 7 percent for each additional patient under a nurse's care.

In response to calls for better pay, Health and Welfare Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan announced plans for a 40% to 50% night shift allowance, expected to start in January of the following year.

Yet, day shift nurses still face inadequate wages, prompting concerns over the potential impact on day shift staffing levels.

The Taiwan Nursing and Medical Industries Union (TNMIU) is advocating for a shift-based allowance for all rotating shift workers to prevent feelings of exploitation.

Chen Yu-feng, head of TNMIU, has underscored the importance of comprehensive salary reform that considers the needs of both night and day shift nurses.

While Taiwan is known for its advanced and affordable healthcare system, the vital contributions of nurses must be acknowledged.

The call for equitable compensation and better working conditions is not only a matter of fairness but also a crucial investment in the community's health and prosperity. Addressing the challenges that nurses face is imperative for reinforcing the strength of Taiwan's healthcare system.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#nursing manpower shortage#work conditions#nurse#staff attrition#low salaries#inadequate wages#Taiwan Nursing and Medical Industries Union#shift-based allowance#Taiwan’s healthcare system
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