
Government to boost clothing industry, says Lai Ching-te

Release time:2023/11/08 16:58
Last update time:2023/11/08 16:58
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Government to boost clothing industry, says Lai Ching-te (Courtesy of Lai Ching-te) Government to boost clothing industry, says Lai Ching-te
Government to boost clothing industry, says Lai Ching-te (Courtesy of Lai Ching-te)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Vice President Lai Ching-te announced Monday (Nov. 6) that the government, starting next year, will improve equipment and expand faculty at vocational schools to aid the development of industries such as clothing, in addition to implementing free tuition for high school and vocational school students.

Lai celebrated the new generation of young professionals the same day when he welcomed a delegation of Taiwan Master Tailors who participated in the 2023 39th World Federation of Master Tailors (WFMT) International Congress. 


He expressed admiration for Taiwan, which, despite only joining the WFMT in 2003, has made significant strides in just 20 years.

Chuang Kuang-jung, director of The Association of Taiwan Master Tailors, and Chen Chih-feng, honorary director, led Taiwan's experts to the fashion capital of Italy for the WFMT congress this year, earning impressive results at the conference, known as the "Oscar" of the tailoring world, capturing further attention.

Lai highlighted that last year, more than 4,500 textile and apparel factories in Taiwan provided job opportunities for 140,000 people, with a total output exceeding NT$400 billion and a trade surplus of NT$157.1 billion.

Lai indicated the government will further support the development of the clothing industry, improve equipment in vocational schools, expand instructor resources, and gather industry experts as mentors. This will be a key initiative moving forward, with hopes to propel the entire industry's progression.

Taiwan Business

#Vice President Lai Ching-te#government#vocational schools#clothing industry#free tuition#Taiwan Master Tailors#World Federation of Master Tailors#development of industries such as clothing#implementation of free tuition for high school and vocational scho


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