
TPP campaign office dismisses collaboration with Terry Gou

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/10/17 16:03
Last update time:2023/10/17 16:03
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TPP denies collaboration with Terry Gou (Courtesay of Ko’s Fanclub Facebook Fanpage) TPP campaign office dismisses collaboration with Terry Gou
TPP denies collaboration with Terry Gou (Courtesay of Ko’s Fanclub Facebook Fanpage)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan People's Party (TPP) presidential candidate Ko Wen-je is currently not in discussions regarding a potential collaboration with Taiwanese business tycoon Terry Gou, Ko's campaign office director Chou Yu-hsiu said on Tuesday (Oct. 17).

The announcement follows speculations about a potential coalition between the TPP and Gou, as suggested by Ko's sister, Ko Mei-lan, on Monday, when she proposed that the TPP could explore cooperation opportunities with Gou.


In response to Ko Mei-lan's remarks, Chou Yu-hsiu indicated that it would not be appropriate to take advantage of Gou at this time, as he is currently focused on his presidential campaign and has already selected a running mate, Lai Pei-hsia.

Last month, Ko Wen-je's mother, Ho Jui-ying, suggested that Gou, being older, should express his ideas. On that basis, Ko can then consider how to cooperate with him.

In addition, reports suggest that Gou has already prepared two collaboration plans for discussions with Ko's team, planned for as early as the end of October or early November.

As the elections approach, and with the TPP's discussions about cooperating with the Kuomintang (KMT) failing to reach a consensus, there is growing interest in potential collaborations among other opposition parties.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#Taiwan People’s Party#TPP#Ko Wen-je#Terry Gou#coalition#Kuomintang#presidential campaign#Ko Mei-lan#Ho Jui-ying
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