
President Tsai honors fallen firemen at Pingtung memorial

Reporter Isabel Wang
Release time:2023/10/06 22:17
Last update time:2023/10/06 22:17
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PINGTUNG (TVBS News) — President Tsai Ing-wen attended the public memorial service for the fallen firefighters who died in the line of duty in Pingtung on Friday (Oct. 6).

In a heartfelt ceremony, President Tsai presented commendations to the families of the four brave firefighters who lost their lives in the Pingtung factory explosion. The event was marked by a somber atmosphere as the nation paid tribute to these heroes.


Speaking at the memorial service, President Tsai emphasized the government's commitment to thoroughly investigating the disaster to determine its cause. She also mentioned discussions with various sectors and family members regarding fire policy and management mechanisms.

However, amidst the solemn occasion, families of the fallen firefighters voiced their grievances, protesting against the government's exclusion of their involvement in the disaster investigation committee organized by the Ministry of the Interior.

Wu Chia-ching, a family representative of the late firemen, expressed frustration, stating that apart from condolences, they have not received any information from the government regarding the deaths of their loved ones. Their plea is for the truth surrounding the tragedy.

Meanwhile, the owner of the Pingtung factory affirmed their commitment to prioritize the compensation and support for the disaster victims.

Taiwan Affairs

#Tsai Ing-wen#Memorial service#Fallen firefighters#Pingtung#Factory explosion#Disaster investigation#Victim support#President Tsai Ing-wen memorial service#Families protest exclusion from disaster investigation#Pingtung factory owner supports victims


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