
Kaohsiung grapples with rising laundromat noise pollution

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/21 17:21
Last update time:2023/09/21 17:21
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Kaohsiung grapples with rising laundromat noise pollution (TVBS News) Kaohsiung grapples with rising laundromat noise pollution
Kaohsiung grapples with rising laundromat noise pollution (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A growing concern over laundromat noise pollution in Kaohsiung has ignited a social debate, with seven penalty incidents recorded this year. In response to the escalating number of complaints, Kaohsiung city officials have proposed amendments to subject nighttime noise from laundromat washers and dryers in residential areas to regulatory control.

For instance, a 24-hour self-service laundromat in Lingya District faced six penalties due to excessive noise, ultimately leading to its closure.


According to the Environmental Protection Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government, the use of powered machinery for laundry processing, including drying, in residential areas will be prohibited during nighttime hours if the proposed amendments are adopted.

The existing noise control laws in Kaohsiung penalize illegal machine operations that operate from 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. with fines ranging from NT$3,000 to NT$30,000.

Nevertheless, the proposed amendments, which also encompass dryer operations, have sparked public backlash. Decisions regarding the implementation of the amendments will be contingent upon an evaluation by the Ministry of Environment.

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#Kaohsiung#laundromat noise#noise pollution#social debate#regulatory control#noise control laws#residential areas#proposed amendments#Environmental Protection Bureau#Ministry of Environment


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