
China unveils new plan for cross-strait integration

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/09/14 20:19
Last update time:2023/09/14 20:19
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China unveils new plans for cross-strait integration (TVBS News) China unveils new plan for cross-strait integration
China unveils new plans for cross-strait integration (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Beijing unveiled a new plan to foster cross-strait integrated development on Thursday (Sept. 14), focusing on connecting the development of Taiwan and the Fujian province.

The 21-article document was jointly presented by the National Development and Reform Commission, Fujian Provincial Committee, and Taiwan Affairs Office, outlining Fujian's designation as a model region for integrated development.


New measures introduced in the plan include canceling temporary registration for Taiwanese in Fujian, promoting residency applications for Taiwanese individuals, encouraging property investment, and advocating for deeper integration between the two sides.

"Both sides of the strait are one family, with the Fujian-Taiwan relationship growing even closer," remarked Pan Xianzhang, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office.

Furthermore, Luo Dongchuan, deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, announced the expansion of the verification range for Taiwan resident permits to match mainland resident IDs.

Pan emphasized that the plan aims to provide Kinmen and Matsu residents with the same treatment as Xiamen and Fuzhou locals and to encourage Taiwanese farmers and fishermen to participate in Fujian's rural development.

Lin Min-chen, the Beijing correspondent for TVBS, highlighted Chinese officials' specific mention of doctors, teachers, and lawyers, indicating an intention to broaden the scope of these professions in the mainland.

Also, certain business sector restrictions will be lifted, allowing Taiwanese businesses to invest and operate media companies in Fujian. "We want Taiwanese individuals to come, stay, integrate, and achieve success," Pan said.

The press conference also emphasized the proximity between Fujian and Taiwan, at a mere 68 nautical miles (126 km). And that 80% of Taiwan's population originates from Fujian, encouraging Taiwanese residents to consider property investment and settlement in the Fujian province.

Taiwan Affairs

#Beijing#Taiwan#Fujian province#Integration plan#Residency applications#Business sector#Property investment#Cross-strait relations#Fujian-Taiwan ties#Economic development


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