
Keelung police safely return visually-impaired man home

Reporter TVBS News Staff
Release time:2023/08/25 17:24
Last update time:2023/08/25 17:53
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Keelung police safely return visually-impaired man home in the early morning hours on Friday. (TVBS  Keelung police safely return visually-impaired man home
Keelung police safely return visually-impaired man home in the early morning hours on Friday. (TVBS

KEELUNG (TVBS News) — An 80-year-old man was found wandering aimlessly in a residential area in Keelung early on Friday (Aug. 25). He was later returned home safely by the local police.

The man, who is visually impaired, struggled to find his way home in the dead of night. His predicament drew the attention of nearby residents, who promptly alerted the authorities.


Police officers Li Chien-yu and Chen Yu-kai of the Yanping Street Police Station arrived upon receiving the call and brought the man home after determining his address.

Considering the poor lighting conditions, Li and Chen drove the patrol car to return the elder to his place.

Anxious about the possibility of the man potentially tripping while ascending the stairs due to his poor vision, the warmhearted officers later escorted him upstairs. They did not leave until they saw the man safely return home.

The man expressed great warmth towards the officers for their compassionate assistance, repeatedly extending their gratitude for their kind gestures.

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