
Taiwan’s “sandwich generation” feels the pressure

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/08/22 20:52
Last update time:2023/08/22 20:52
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — As Taiwan moves toward a "super-aged" society, Generation X adults, born roughly between 1965 and 1980, are feeling the effects of becoming the "sandwich generation." 

Squeezed in between two generations, they have to care for their children while looking after their elderly parents.


Statistics indicate that approximately 80% of families in Taiwan are currently classified as "sandwich households," where the individuals in the middle bear a significant portion of the responsibilities.

"We have to work, maintain our social lives, take care of our kids and our parents," member of the sandwich generation, Miranda said.

"We also have to look after their health, and often, we forget about our own."

In addition to caring for their family members, many sandwiched individuals also must repay mortgages and car loans, culminating in mountains of stress for many.

Reports show that more than 40% of these individuals experience severe to extreme stress. 

Sadly, the situation may become more dire for younger generations.

"When they are an only child, they hardly have the resources to take care of themselves, not to mention taking care of their cousins," PCA Life Assurance General Manager Laura Wang said. 

"The problem will become even more severe in the future," she remarked. 

With the number one burden for the sandwich generation shown to be taking care of senior parents and the second being financial responsibility, experts
caution that they also need to take the time to look after their own health.

This means providing emotional support for one another and taking the time to meditate or do their own things to relax and recharge for the next hurdle.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Taiwan#sandwich generation#Generation X#caregiving#stress
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