
Premier Chen discusses amendments to gender equality laws

Reporter Huang-Chi Ho
Release time:2023/07/18 18:07
Last update time:2023/07/18 18:28
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen reported on July 18 (Tuesday) on the "Prevention of Sexual Harassment" concerning the amendments to three gender equality laws at the Legislative Yuan (Parliament).

In light of the recent #MeToo movement in Taiwan which has raised public concerns, the three laws include the "Gender Equality in Employment Act," the "Gender Equality Education Act," and the "Sexual Harassment Prevention Act."


Chen emphasized that the significant amendments to the three gender equality laws focus on enhancing penalties for perpetrators, introducing "abuses of power" as a recognized form of sexual harassment with appropriate measures for addressing it, and mandating companies with more than ten employees to establish harassment complaint channels. Previously, this requirement applied to companies with more than 30 employees.

Additionally, efforts will be made to enhance the protection and services for victims. Chen stressed that confidentiality regarding the reporting process should be ensured, and the reporting process will be simplified to reduce the burden on victims.

Chen also mentioned that it is crucial to establish a professional and reliable sexual harassment prevention framework, introduce suspension regulations, strengthen investigation and deliberation mechanisms, and incorporate resources from non-governmental organizations.

Chen explained that the amendments are extensive and asked relevant departments to conduct outreach to businesses, schools, and relevant government agencies before the official implementation date. Chen emphasized that sufficient budget allocation will be made, and adequate personnel will be recruited.

Chen remarked that the government wants to improve the legal framework concerning gender equality, including the passage of the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act. Through collaborative efforts across ministries, the government aims to support every victim and provide a sense of security to the public.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#gender equality laws#Chen Chien-jen#sexual harassment


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