
Premier encourages young athletes ahead of competitions

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/07/17 18:21
Last update time:2023/07/17 19:04
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KAOHSIUNG (TVBS News) — Premier Chen Chien-jen visited the National Sports Training Center in Kaohsiung on Monday to cheer on the athletes participating in the upcoming Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games and the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games.

Officials from the sports training center briefed the premier and other government officials on the training plan and itinerary for the forthcoming games, including the 2024 Summer Olympics.


After the briefing, Chen praised the planning and efforts of the training center and encouraged them to be the "best support" for the athletes and coaches. "This way, they can perform at their best without any concerns, bring glory to the country, and achieve victory," Chen said.

Chen also extended his best wishes to those competing in the games. "Let the entire world witness Taiwan's outstanding sports performances," he stated.

Chen emphasized that athletes serve as significant role models for young Taiwanese children, and he hopes that more children will develop a passion for sports, leading to improved health and a promising future for Taiwan.

Olympic weightlifting champion Kuo Hsing-chun, Olympic medalist Lee Chih-kai, and Olympic taekwondo medalist Lo Chia-lin were also present at the briefing.

The Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games will unfold from July 28 to Aug. 8. Taiwan will send 212 athletes to compete across 16 categories. Furthermore, the Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games will take place on Sept. 10-25. Taiwan will send 524 athletes to participate in 32 categories.

Taiwan Affairs

#National Sports Training Center#FISU World University Games#Asian Games#Summer Olympics#athletes


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