
Taipei Metro launches emergency stop buttons on Wenhu Line

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/07/13 20:12
Last update time:2023/07/17 19:12
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taipei Metro launched two emergency stop buttons at a Wenhu Line station on Thursday (July 13) to enhance safety measures following the deadly accident on the Taichung Metro in May.

The two emergency stop buttons have been installed at Nanjing Fuxing Station, part of the Wenhu Line, also known as the Brown Line. These buttons are located next to the platform doors corresponding to the metro's first and fourth cars.


In an emergency, passengers can immediately press the button to bring the train to a halt. The metro will stop in four specific scenarios: when it is departing from or arriving at a station, when it has arrived, and the doors are open, and when the doors are closing as the train is about to depart.

However, it is essential to note that the emergency stop buttons only control one side of the track. The metro on the opposite platform will continue to operate even if someone presses the emergency button.

Taipei Metro plans to complete the installation of emergency stop buttons along the entire Wenhu Line, covering all 24 stations, by the end of this year.

To prevent accidental activation, the emergency stop buttons are equipped with acrylic covers and warning signs. It is worth mentioning that improper use of the emergency stop button may result in a fine of NT$50,000.

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