
Lai advocates innovation-driven approach to net-zero goal

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/30 13:40
Last update time:2023/06/30 13:40
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasized the significance of collaboration across various sectors to achieve the ambitious net-zero emissions objective during his address at the Taiwan Future International Summit (台灣大未來國際高峰會) opening ceremony on Thursday (June 29). 

Lai underscored the need for concerted global efforts, as approximately 140 countries and regions must unite to pursue this goal. Prominent international corporations, including Apple and Google, have also committed to this cause.


Highlighting Taiwan's proactive approach, Lai stressed that the concerted endeavors extend beyond governmental entities such as the Presidential Office, Executive Yuan, and Legislative Yuan. Noteworthy private enterprises such as Delta Electronics, TSMC, Asus, Pegatron, and AUO Corporation will actively contribute to the drive for net-zero emissions by 2050.

"I firmly believe that through the collective cooperation of government entities, state-owned enterprises, and citizens, we can gradually realize this objective," said Lai.

Lai also aspires to establish a platform dedicated to net-zero technological innovation and development. This platform would bolster industries focused on green energy, including solar power, wind power, hydrogen power, geothermal energy, and ocean power.

Lai further underscored the importance of utilizing an innovation-driven industrial development model to propel Taiwan's industries forward and foster economic transformation. He emphasized the necessity of paying increased attention to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, ensuring they are not left behind during this transition.

"We must harness the impetus provided by the pressure associated with the net-zero transition," Lai added.

Lai further highlighted the crucial need to consider environmental protection, economic justice, and social inclusion when progressing toward net-zero emissions. The government must formulate comprehensive plans and strategies, collaborating closely with various industries and stakeholders to address these multifaceted aspects.

Taiwan Affairs

#net-zero emissions#environmental protection#green energy#net-zero#Lai Ching-te


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