
Lai’s campaign office dismisses talks about U.S. visit

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/28 12:09
Last update time:2023/06/28 12:11
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A campaign spokesperson of Vice President Lai Ching-te dismissed talks on Tuesday (June 27) about his alleged plans to visit the United States. Speaking at the launch event of Lai's campaign merchandise, spokesperson Chen Shi-kai said: "If the visit is taking place, we will let you know in the same way as in the past. We have not received any information about visiting."

The dismissal came in response to a report by the Wall Street Journal, which suggested that U.S. officials were discussing a potential visit by Lai in August. The report also speculated that Lai might stop in the U.S. en route to Paraguay to congratulate the president on his inauguration. However, the Presidential Office swiftly denied any plans for Lai to travel overseas, adding to the potential visit's uncertainty.


Experts, on the other hand, have also weighed in on the matter, speculating that Lai might have the opportunity to visit the American Institute in Taiwan's (AIT) headquarters in Arlington, Virginia. Taiwan's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Joseph Wu, also stopped at the AIT headquarters during a recent trip to the U.S.

The report by the Wall Street Journal also highlighted the concerns expressed by Chinese officials during U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken's recent visit to Beijing. These officials hinted that Lai's political stance could heighten tensions in the Taiwan Strait and potentially damage U.S.-China relations. In response, Blinken reiterated the stance of the Biden administration, stating that they would not interfere in the Taiwan election and would not support any form of intervention.

According to Chen, there are no concrete plans for Lai Ching-te's visit to the U.S. Chen added that the situation remains fluid, and Lai's campaign office will share any updates regarding the potential visit with the public.

Taiwan Affairs

#Lai Ching-te#United States#Wall Street Journal#Presidential Office#American Institute in Taiwan


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