
New Taipei aiming to improve pedestrian safety

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/06/16 17:08
Last update time:2023/06/16 17:08
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NEW TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The New Taipei City Government has devised a comprehensive plan to help create a pedestrian-friendly and inclusive society to reduce accidents and promote safety.

According to data from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan has gained a reputation as "a living hell for pedestrians" due to the alarming number of pedestrian casualties at crosswalks, averaging 5,400 annually.


Yet, the peril pedestrians face extends beyond intersections, as even sidewalks are often far from safe, plagued by uneven surfaces and various obstacles.

In response to this urgent issue, the New Taipei City Government will thoroughly inspect its extensive 1,044-kilometer-long sidewalk network within a three-year timeframe. 

The objective is to identify deficiencies and implement measures for improvement.

The city government has already completed sidewalk inspections for 335 schools in April, taking a proactive stance in ensuring the safety of students and pedestrians.

Nevertheless, some sections of the sidewalks overlap with private lands, requiring consent from owners or management committees for necessary construction or obstacle removal.

Taiwan faces numerous challenges in transforming its predominantly car-centric transportation landscape.

Efforts to enhance pedestrian safety and make Taiwan's streets more accommodating serve as a critical step towards a future where walking becomes a safer and more enjoyable mode of transportation for all.

The Taiwan Briefing

#pedestrian#New Taipei City#pedestrian safety#sidewalks#Taiwan


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