
Closure of private schools needed for educational renewal

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/05/25 17:57
Last update time:2023/05/25 17:57
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Private schools in Taiwan are grappling with underperformance, leading to closures or transformations into public welfare institutions.

The declining birth rate in Taiwan has further exacerbated the challenges faced by the educational system, resulting in reduced admissions and financial burdens.


As a result, more private schools are either shutting down or converting into public welfare facilities, such as libraries, sports centers, cultural centers, art centers, or social housing.

However, experts have observed that many closed private schools have been repurposed as other private institutions or have been left as vacant land, which does not contribute to the betterment of society. 

Recognizing this issue, the Taiwan Higher Education Union has proposed that schools unable to sustain their operations should return their assets to the government for planning and utilization.  

On the other hand, the closure of private schools has further shed light on the disparities in educational opportunities in Taiwan.

Most private schools facing closure are in rural regions, particularly central and southern Taiwan. This discrepancy in educational resources has hurt rural education development, as legislators highlighted.

Confronted with challenges, such as a declining birth rate, restrictions on tuition fee increases, and increased enrollment in public schools, private schools need to explore new avenues to survive and remain relevant in society.

The Taiwan Briefing

#Private schools#birth rate#education#educational resources#declining birth rate


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