
Keelung moves forward with ’Youth Electric Scooter Project’

Reporter Jamie Lin Pinzon
Release time:2023/04/24 15:58
Last update time:2023/04/24 16:43
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KEELUNG (TVBS News) — Keelung Mayor Hsieh Kuo-liang has launched a cooperation with the first scooter company participating in the city's ambitious "Youth Electric Scooter Project" in the next four years, hoping to be a reference for other municipalities. 

In a press conference last Wednesday (April 19), the mayor stressed his intention to follow through on his campaign promise to provide electric scooters to young Keelung residents who volunteer, starting later this year.


The scooter company hopes to let young adults be able to own an electric vehicle in a not financially challenged way, KYMCO Chairman Allen Ko said. 

To qualify for Keelung City's 'Youth Electric Scooter Project,' individuals must be between 19 and 33 and have volunteered for a social welfare cause. 

Additionally, applicants must have been residents of Keelung for at least three years and held a valid driver's license for at least one year. Those wishing to trade in an older scooter will be given priority. 

Mayor Hsieh has announced that the scooter company will provide the first 10,000 vehicles for the project, possibly increasing the number to 40,000 over the next three years.

Keelung City currently has 24 battery stations, and the city plans to expand and build more to popularize electric scooters.

In addition to expanding the brand's market share, the scooter company is committed to making electric scooters a more accessible means of transportation for young people. 

The scooter company hopes to increase awareness and encourage broader adoption of sustainable transportation options by offering affordable plans.

"We really want the younger generation to experience the superior features of KYMCO's scooters," Ko said. 

Taiwan Business

#Keelung#Electric Scooter#young adults#sustainability#scooter


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