
Taiwan bolsters defenses as China’s WZ-8 drones pose threat

Reporter Vivian Hsiao
Release time:2023/04/20 16:25
Last update time:2023/04/20 16:25
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TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Taiwan is ramping up its defenses after recently leaked U.S. documents suggested that China is preparing to deploy its WZ-8 supersonic, high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicle, experts say.

The advanced drones, which can travel three times faster than the speed of sound, could significantly enhance China's surveillance capabilities, making it difficult to deter. 


In addition, the leaked documents indicate that China may position these drones at Taiwan's military bases and U.S. warships surrounding the island nation.

Despite these potential threats, Taiwan is relying on the capabilities of its Hsiung Feng III supersonic missiles for defense. The newly advanced missiles have a speed of over three Machs, making them suitable for defensive purposes in the event of an attack.

Military experts reveal that if deployed, enemy forces would have only 30 seconds to react after the radar picks up the missiles' presence, underscoring the effectiveness of Taiwan's defense strategy.

Taiwan Affairs

#Taiwan#China#WZ-8 supersonic drone#US#Hsiung Feng III missiles


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